Studio One
Items in this category are not available for outside hire and are included in hire of Studio One

ART Pro-VLA II compressor

Audient Mico Dual Channel Preamp

Avantone MixCube monitor

Dolby Atmos 12-channel immersive speaker system

Elesia Karacter saturator

Focusrite ISA One Preamp

JBL Intonato 24 immersive speaker controller

JDK Audio R24 EQ

Manley ELOP+ valve compressor

Millenia HV- 3Cdual Channel Preamp

Quested SB10R subwoofer + SBC250 Amplifier

Raven MTi2 Touch Screen

Sonarworks Sound ID Studio calibration mic+software

SSL Fusion Bus Processor

Tascam ATR-80 24-track 2in tape machine

TC Electronics M-One multi-FX

Tegeler Vari-Tube VTC compressor

TK Audio BC1 Ltd compressor

TL Audio C1 compressor

Trident T68 24:8:2 channel console

UAD Apollo Twin interface

WARM Audio WA-2A compressor

Yamaha SPX 900 Multi-FX

Kush Audio Clarifonic MS EQ

Empirical Labs Distressor compressor

TL Audio EQ-5013 stereo valve EQ

Rupert Neve Portico 5033 EQ