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Tegeler Vari-Tube VTC compressor

The Tegeler Audio VTC Vari-Tube Compressor is a tube compressor for mixbuss or mastering applications designed to provide a very musical finishing touch.

SKU: PM0153 Category:

The Tegeler Audio VTC Vari-Tube Compressor is a tube compressor for mixbus or mastering applications designed to provide a very musical finishing touch. The Tegeler Audio VTC uses a Class-A circuit with four triode tubes per channel and 3 transformers to impart its rich and open sonic flavour tone. The triode tubes add pleasant overtones and presence, improving our perception of individual sound sources. On the other hand, the transformers add non-linearities before the compression stage, resulting in a tighter, more defined bass and pleasing rounding-off the top-end.
Using the traditional Vari-mu architecture, the VTC does not include a ratio control, as the compression happens as the signal hits the valve. The compression is very gentle at the start and gradually becomes more noticeable as the input gain is turned on.

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Vertitube VTC

